The Benefits of Decluttering for Personal Growth
Students targeted showed poor organizing abilities. Such a lack of organization usually resulted in missed reading assignments, missing notes, forgotten homework, and a generally unprepared attitude for class. Few students carried and used their agenda books for the proper purposes that of identification and planning. Evidence for the problem included failed grades, anecdotal data documenting missing or misplaced notes and homework, student polls reflecting their view of the matter, and teacher observations.Built in 1960, School A was a two-story structure housing grades three through five. Eleven classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a gym with a stage, a lunchroom, and a basement with a classroom and a general use room made up the facility. With a racial/ethnic background including Caucasian,5%Hispanic and less than 2% other, School A enrolled 240 kids overall. Of these students, 37% were regarded as low income. Students' mobility rate was 23%; their attendance rate was The ...