Driving Sales with Experiential Marketing for Food and Drink

In the face of increasingly fierce business competition, the company seeks to retain existing customers and potential new customers looking for enterprise customers is a source of income that affect the sustainability of its business. Konichiwa are home eating food that was on Bandung. This restaurant has menu mainstay food like Capchai, Khau Bak, Tin Chicken and Shrimp taucho. According to the observations researchers applied Experiential Marketing 

approach known companies have not succeeded in creating a memorable experience for customers who eat at Rumah Makan Abeng. This is because customers are often not obtained satisfaction to be expected such as restaurants that rated customers are still narrow and often unable to accommodate the number of customers who want to eat there, the air 

circulation in the house eating is still not good so customers often feel the heat, and facilities such as the car park is often the biggest problem because Konichiwa does not have its parking lot. This leads to the formation of a positive and memorable experience in themselves the customers so that the company is not able to increase customer loyalty. Also, the quality 

Of services rendered Konichiwa is not optimal

Problems that occur on Service Quality in the company is a frequent customer filing a complaint with the services provided such that the slow response of employees to customers, does not provide information on the recommendations veggie menu to guests, and the lack of employees in serving guests who eat so customers often less satisfied and become not loyal  

to another company in buying the product. Customer loyalty is loyalty to the company arising out without coercion but of consciousness itself. Companies that can increase customer loyalty will make the company grow and reduce the influence of competitors' attack similar companies. Customer loyalty is formed can be influenced by several factors such as Experiential Marketing and Quality Services. Experiential Marketing is a marketing concept 

that aims to create loyal customers by tapping customer emotions and gives a positive feeling towards the products and services offered by the company. In this approach, the company creates a product or service by touching the senses, hearts, and minds of customers. Products can touch the emotional value customers can positively make a memorable experienceAccording to Kotler and Keller (2013: 57), "Loyalty (loyalty) customers are deeply 

Held commitment to purchase or support

back preferred products and services in the future despite the influence of the situation and the potential marketing efforts cause customers to switch". According to Hurriyati (2013: 128), "Loyalty is a behavior indicated by routine purchases, based on a decision-making unit".According to Hasan (2014: 121) "Customer loyalty is a behavior associated with the 

brand of a product including the possibility of renewing the contract brand in future and how many customers are likely to enhance the positive image of a product ". From this sense, it can be concluded that customer loyalty is customer behavior in commitment, confidence, and loyalty to brand products as well as an important management challenge because it can enhance the positive image of a product. Customers are loyal to certain brands tend to be 

to the brand and would buy the same product again though there are plenty of other alternatives. profit from their loyalty is decreasing influence of attacks from competitors of similar companies not only competition in terms of product but also the competition in terms of perception. Other than that, consumers who are loyal to encourage the development of the 

Company because they usually give 

you an idea or suggestion to the company to improve the quality of its products and in the end, they will not be so concerned about the price because they believe in the product and the quality of the company. According to Hasan (2014: 123) forming the concept of customer loyalty includThis research is in the form of associative because it discusses the relationship between research constructs. The research targets consumers who frequently visit MM Juice 

and Restaurant in Denpasar. Each construct consists of dimensions and many indicators as presented in Table 1. The method of determining the sample used is a nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling with a size of 185 consumers taken from the consumer population who visited MM Juice and Restaurant. This measure is determined by a 

formula of 5 times the number of research indicators, which is  indicators. This study consists of quantitative data, namely the respondent's age, gender, and occupation, and qualitative data, namely the respondent's opinion on statements that include experiential marketing, experiential value, and repurchase intention. Data obtained from two sources, 


namely the primary source is the operational manager branch Bali MM Juice and Restaurant as well as respondents who directly provide answers to the questions posed in the questionnaire, and secondary sources are institutions or agencies that have various related data, namely the Bali Provincial Government, news sites online, and the results of previous studies. Data were collected using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Each 

research indicator will be measured using a Likert scale with a scale of 1 to 5 points, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents online through the Google Form service with the aim of time efficiency. Before being used to test the hypothesis, the data obtained through the research instrument were tested for validity and reliability. The analysis technique used consists of descriptive statistics and inferential 

statistics. Descriptive statistical analysis is used in the form of describing the assessment of respondents' answers which is carried out through questionnaires regarding the variables studied using indicators from each predetermined variable, and inferential analysis used is a path analysis technique assisted by statistical software. the SPSS program for windows.Nowadays, in a competitive context, many companies should innovate in order to 

maintain their own businesses and remain competitive. Besides, customers are more and more demanding and it is difficult to meet customer's needs. Thus, companies invest huge amount in Research and Development in order to offer the best suitable product or service to customers. They also have to invest in marketing because it is one of the best ways to increase sales. According to the AMA, Marketing is «the activity, set of institutions


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