The Importance of a Marketing Manager in Business Growth

To address the research question thematic literature review was conducted. Research methodology constitutes one of the most important parts of every study. As Bauman et al. (2013) stated, methodology is comprised of different methods and techniques, which researchers can apply to achieve the research objectives. This is empirical research, which is concerned with primary data collection by the researchers (Jones et al. 2010). The research 

was intended at studying thesignificance of digital marketing strategies and its impact business continuity of SME. The data was obtained through mixed, quantitative, and qualitative research methods. According to researchers in literature, mixed methods are a way to ascertain and analyze issues deeply, and precisely. The technique provides possibility to apply both quantative and qualitative techniques, and to conduct different tests (Bauman et 

al., 2013). The study analyzed available literature. Based on literature review and content, semi-structured and online survey questions were designed. Primary data was analyzed using SPSS and Nvivo12 software. With reference to sampling, respondents for survey were chosen based on judgmental sampling technique. Fifteen digital marketing practicionars were approached, from which only eight (50.3%) volunteered to participate in the in-depth 

Interviews An online survey was distributed

to around 500 digital marketing practicioners, from which 154 (30.8%) successfuly completed online survey. 27 (5.4%) dropped out after starting survey. Demographic data about age, ethinicity, socio-economic status, education level and work status was also obtained from interview and survey respondents.Businesses utilize new opportunities to grow their revenue and expand their business. Not only the big enterprises but small and medium-sized 

enterprizes too. Different businesses have different techniques. However, today, the main rules to be follow for business continuity is whether to adapr or not digital marketing strategies as highlighted on Figure 2. A digital marketing strategy is a long term plan for businesses to accomplish their numbers. To build astrategy SMEs might utilize numerous methods for each 

relevant goal. "Digital technique" guidesbusiness to identify activities of competitors on world wide web. Computerized data is a valuable element for continuity. The digital marketing specialist contribution to eloborate the role and significance of digital marketing strategies in business continuity was critical. Respondent coded as “HJ” stated that digital marketing strategies are crucial to the continuity of any business. The power of digital marketing is 

Extraordinary because it is engaging

and gives opportunity for businesses to be consistent. Figure 4 identifies “the power of digital marketing” as one of the passages that was seen in the interview analysis. Respondent “SA” elaborates that in the times we are living in, it is absolutely necessary to have dynamic digital marketing strategies for a business to stay on top of the market. Morever, supported by respondent “MK” stating that the businesses are considering digital marketing as one of their 

core strategies. Discussing on what are the top marketing strategies that business should consider using to create the presence in the market, according to “ST” without understanding who your ideal target market is, and to whom you're trying to get your message across to, any strategy is going to be pretty ineffective. So recognizing your customers’ requirements is 

going to get you to where you want to be. For example, on the question whether digital marketing strategies are important to gain competitive advantage 76.7% of respondents indicated “very important”. Originally, authors selected Content marketing, social media marketing, and e-mail marketing as the top three strategies. Content marketing emphasizes importance of visual expressions. Content marketing used in conjunction with social media 

Platforms or email marketing can be very

effective and useful to infleunce the targeted audience. Social media marketing is a way to exploit platforms and content gives possibility to deliver our information to the segment through various ways. World wide web is full of blogs nowadays. However, based on the presented study, priorities go to visual content, as visual part helps marketers to have more strong influence on customers. Table 1 demonstrated that respondents selected top three 

digital marketing strategies for five different directions with slight differences. The most recognized top strategiesthat impact sales growth were Social Media Marketing (74.3%), Content Marketing (43.4%), and SEO 41.4%. Futhermore, themost recognized top digital marketing strategies that impacts buyers purchase decision were Social Media Marketing 66.7 %, SEO 40.5%, and Content Marketing 39.9%. To continue the most recognized top 

digital marketing strategies that impacts product lifecycle for business continuity were Social Media Marketing 53.6%, email marketing 41.2%, and SEO 40.5%. Moreover, the top digital marketing strategies that impacts customer engagement for business continuity were Social Media Marketing 66.7 %, email marketing 46.4%, and Content Marketing 36.6%. Lastly, the 


top digital marketing strategies for online user experience were Social Media Marketing 66.7%, email marketing 47.7%, and SEO 43.1%. It worth noting that SEO (Search Engine optimization) was selected by the respondents as top three as indicated on Figure 3. However, for the authors it was not top three and nor five. Indication is that marketers need the data to optimize needs of the SMEs and treat customers differently based on their behaviors. To support this authors asked respondents feedback on whether “Data obtained 

from Digital metrics are good indication for strategic planning and development”, where majority of respondents 63.4 % agreed. On the statement “The SMEs revenue growth, customer engagement, buyers purchase decisions, and product lifecycle heavily depends on strategically developed digital campaigns” majority of respondents 69.2% ranked as essensial. “SA” stated that digital marketing is not just a tool to reach new customers, but 

useful to collect information about your growing customer pool. Moreover, “KA” supported claim a digital marketing strategies for sustainable product life cycle. Lastly, “TA” stated that in all my years in digital marketing, I have found it is most important to deploy effective digital marketing strategies to keep a map of your investments, and calculated returns.Digital marketing tools impact business continuity, whether small or big. The study sought to 

investigate significance of selected digital marketing tools on sales growth, buyers purchase decisions, product lifecycle, customer engagement, and so on. Based on the survey and in-depth interviews, a strong digital presence is recommended to reach targeted audience. An online survey and in-depth interview with digital marketing experts were conducted to explore what digital marketing strategies’ impact on business continuity. Interestingly, majority of the


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